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Breed Champions

These goats have gained their Breed Championship at BGS recognised shows, competing against other Anglo Nubian goats. 

In order for a goat to gain their Breed Championship status they have been awarded the following:

Female Goats 

5 Breed Challenge Certificates under 3 different judges and gained a minimum of 16 points in the milking competition.

Awarded a Star (*) or Q Star (Q*) in a BGS recognised milking competition.

Male Goats

4 Breed Challenge Certificates under 3 different judges.

Must have sired a daughter who has qualified for one of the following awards - Star (*), Q Star (Q*), R, RM, AR.

If you have any pictures of Breed Champions could you please send them to


Breed Champions 2022

Ballingall Tasha *9 BrCh

RM162 Hurstpier Chive Q*2 BrCh

R110 Kaverquil Estella *2 BrCh

R146 Kinmea Elena Q*7 BrCh

Marshvalley Chamomile *BrCh

§151/101 Newcairn Apollo BrCh

Oldwood Innari Q* BrCh

Treval Duster Q*2 BrCh

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Breed Champions 2021

R102 Marshvalley Aurelia Q* BrCh

Marshvalley Apollo BrCh

Ashdene Absalom BrCh

§144/201 †Mineshop Bosun BrCh

Windsinger Tuilagi BrCh

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Breed Champions 2019

R129 Boscadjack Rozel *BrCh

R146 Meiklehill Buttercup Q* BrCh

Mineshop Aaliya Q*1 BrCh

Treval Jersey *2 BrCh

R116 Willobrook Zeezee Q* BrCh

† Candlemass Watkins BrCh

§128/138 † Mineshop Aaron BrCh

§140/120 † Mineshop Chaitan BrCh


Breed Champions 2018

Mineshop Chenai Q*2

Mineshop Aanisha Q*1

Sandell Vera *1

$144/129 Abbotswell President

$128/138 † Ashdene Abraham

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Breed Champions 2017

Ashdene Almond Q*1

Ivybeck Tamarind Q*8

Klimova Khadija Q*3

Mineshop Binita Q*3

RM138 Monach Lycaste Q*18

† Ballingall Karamac

† Ballingall Klive

$140/120 † Mineshop Chabela


Breed Champions 2016

Braynusen Kalamity *2

Hurstpier Romero Q*10

Kinmea Miranda *6

Mineshop Chaila Q*1

Sandell Daisydoo Q*1

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Breed Champions 2015

R138 Hurstpier Clove Q*1

R128 Imported Abigaile Q8

Klimova Marija Q*1

RM166 Monach Gallanthus Q*18

R155 Nitram Selina Q*1

R114 Treval Dulcie *1

$102/201 Brooks Tydirium

Imported Almas 

Hemdun Horatio

Breed Champions 2014

Ballingall Krystal Q*2

R140 Imported Chaviva Q*

RM170 Mineshop Bellynda Q*

RM136 Windsinger Omayinka Q*6

Friarlea Cymro

Mineshop Bedford

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Breed Champions 2013

Earls Cleopatra Q*

RM171 Hurstpier Moscada Q*9

Ivybeck Anise Q*7

R109 Klimova Lucia Q*3

R120 Mineshop Gazania Q*

R112 Roundswell Breezer Q*4

Roundswell Cinderella Q*3

RM148 Windsinger Calypso Q*5

Breed Champions 2012

Earls Catriona Q*1

Hemdun Patience *4

R105 Klimova Dill *

$200/147 Braynusen Samson

$149/200 † Earls Boris

$142/147 Kilbarchan Moonstrike

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Breed Champions 2011

Daycroft Alice Q*

R162 Jemaly Belladonna Q*3

RM143 Monach Astrantia Q*17

Nitram Carmel Q*1

$158/114 † Ivans Dodger

Breed Champions 2010

RM143 Stefash Ellie Q*5

$165/130 † Patricaken Tobermory

$$168/133 Spellborn Knightbird

Daycroft Indera Q*2

RM137 Hurstpier Pimienta Q*8

R114 Klimova Yoksul *9

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Breed Champions 2009

Braynusen Evita Q*1

R135 Jemaly Clary Q*1

RM154 Kilbarchan Moonmagic Q*1

Ladeside Harmony Q*2

R135 Nitram Ayliesha Q*1

R129 Northcourt Xanda Q*7

Poplartime Demelza Q*

AR 168 Tyegronon Ddignity Q*6

AR 164 Windsinger Juvela Q*4

Breed Champions 2008

Kaprilel Kasandra *2

Roundswell Parsley Q*

$101/131 Kaprikel Koolman

Kilbarchan Moonraker

$$130/163 † Tyegronon Bbedouin

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Breed Champions 2007

Earthchild Liberty *3

R124 Kinmea Shelly Q*3

Ivans Trulifair *3 BrCh

Breed Champions 2006

R118 Braynusen Bollinger Q*

R110 Braynusen Buttercup Q*

AR168 Holdbrook Hexspirit Q*4

R129 Hurstpier Tarragon Q*7

Ivans Trulifair *3

RM154 Strenshalh Caraway Q*5

Newcairn Aramis 

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Breed Champions 2005

R149 Earls Jade Q*4

RM153 Holdbrook Eddoe Q*3

R113 Ivybeck Kaya Q*6

RM142 Kilbarchan Gabriella Q*6

R142 Mellan Moondust Q*

R165 Patricaken Tammy Q*5

R163 Peatcourt Ginny Q*

R116 Stefash Amy *3

RM130 Tyegronon Aaloof Q85

$$163/201 Holdbrook Fungus

Breed Champions 2004

R124 Earls Jasmine Q*3

RM187 Holdbrook Dimondwyte Q*3

Klimova Candida Q*1

R138 Monach Oleander Q*2

R118 Northcourt Harlequin Q*6

$109/169 †Teign Eastwood

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Breed Champions 2003

RM158 Ardross Olympia Q*2

AR199 Earls Rosa Q*3

R108 Earthchild Deva Q*1

R163 Earthchild Infinity Q*2

R121 Ivybeck Kumi Q*5

R114 Ourway Trulijaz *2

Earthchild Lazarus

$142/138 † Lenmor Zachari

$141/102 † Strenshalh Claude

Breed Champions 2001

$173/140 † Ourway Niamjaz

Olchontop Remus

$128/166 † Patricaken Pickle

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Breed Champions 2000

Allanvale Whizzana Q*3

RM150 Kinmea Sabrina Q*2

R116 Northcourt Fenella Q*5

R121 Teign Enya *1

RM163 Tyegronon Waltz Q84

Wayward Zafra Q*

$112/138 † Jenton Jim

$132/112 † Quaytown Bentley

$102/108 † Tipi January

Breed Champions 1999

R114 Abbotswell Antionette *2

Claycroft Coleen *4

Coedcae Bornfree

R169 Patricaken Poca Q*5

Tipi Bardot Q*5

$144/121 † Coedcae Zxmas

$108/121 † Tipi Jarcoal

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Breed Champions 1998

R140 Abbotswell Yrana Q8

R121 Ardross Lettice Q*2

Ashdon Whizzberry Q*2

Barruths Burgendy Q*5

R141 Claycroft Clare Q*4

R115 Claycroft Coley *3

R132 Monach Heliotrope Q*1

R109 Teign Evita Q*

R102 Tipi Brigitte Q*5

$146/140 † Northcourt Crispin

Breed Champions 1997

R119 Claycroft Clover *3

R153 Earls Willow Q*4

Greavesyke Carla Q*13

R156 Patricaken Lettie Q*

RM132 Tyegronon Umiak Q*2

$118/112 † Jenton Callum 

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Breed Champions 1996

R173 Allenrigg Ruby Q*5

Claycroft Coral Q*3

R160 Frairlea Kalamity Q*1

R132 Hurstpier Beckie Q*

R114 Ivans Ivana Q*1

RM142 Lenmor Fiona Q*1

RM131 Poplartime Sheba *4

Stonejug Tsushi Q*2

R108 Tipi Jolene Q*8

R128 Tyrrell Puzzle Q*4

† Ashdon Frostberry

† Dukeland Manhatton

$161/145 † Quaytown Hoy

Breed Champions 1995

R166 Charnia Rehana Q*2

RM133 Poplartime Rajhani Q*3

R118 Tipi Changes Q*2

R128 Tipi Joplin Q*9

Tyrrell Cobweb Q*4

Whitlea Billberry Q*3

† Walkaway Dryad

RM157 Poplartime Razhanti Q*3 BrCh

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Breed Champions 1994

$105/120 † Tipi Cannelloni

† Moenchia Joshua

$123/106 Heathlands Eryngo

Haresmead Omar

CR121/162 † Gorsefield Reuben

CR121/129 † Cheswadine Yetti

$112/106 Cedarwood Solomon

Ardross Daedelus

† Abbotswell Samson

R102 Tipi Juicylucy Q*10

R115 Tipi Jream Q*8

Stonejug Tsumo Q*1

R107 Stonejug Tse/Tse Q*1

Semmora Cassie Q*

Ringstrake Ophelia Q*12

R112 Quaytown Pfern Q*4

R173 Ourway Isadorjaz Q*

RM170 Ashdon Cassieberry *1

Breed Champions 1993

R250 Earls Jasmin Q*

RM151 Glanvilles Earlybird Q*5

R145 Jenton Simone Q*

R127 Stonejug Tequila Q*1

R105 Tipi Candida Q*2

Whitelea Bluebell Q*2

$141/120 † Ashdon Iceberry

† Colemans Aslan

$140/127 † Quaytown Hidigo

$121/136 † Tipi Cheyenne 

† Toga Wogan

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Breed Champions 1992

R143 Ashdon Juniperberry Q*

R157 Ashdon Flimflam Q*4

R116 Glanvilles Ebony Q*5

R118 Jenton Celia Q*1

RM146 Northcourt Tzarina Q*3

R166 Poplartime Opium Q*2

R134 Salbron Jealat Q*8

R111 Tyrrell Quial Q*4

† Dingledale Sultan 

$$191/185 † Poplartime Nizam

$150/141 † Walkaway Emperor

Breed Champions 1991

R137 Tipi Estonia Q*4

Wyedale Chantelle Q*1

† Wyedale Kamil

R149 Ashdon Mistleberry Q*1

R153 Dukeland Mindy Q*1

R112 Jenton Jinger Q*1

AR123 Poplartime Nastasia Q*2

AR169 Poplartime Natalia Q*2

RM136 Quaytown Turbine Q*4

R121 Tipi Chuchi Q*1

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Breed Champions 1990

R141 Ashdon Snowberry Q*

R140 Colemans Haley Q*2

R144 Stonejug Zigi *

R132 Tipi Jinja Q*8

R253 Tyegronon Nova Q*1

RM150 Walkaway Peacock Q*3

RM167 Walkaway Swallowtail Q*3

† Anbrose Gingernut

$136/126 † Poplartime Kristos

$120/122 † Tyrrell Larkstan

$122/118 † Tyrrell Palmzooka

Breed Champions 1989

R145 Drungewick Peru Q*3

R148 Tipi Jarrah Q*7

R166 Wayward Naiaad Q*3

† Eastgate Saracen

† Jenton William

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Breed Champions 1988

Aphrodite Crystal Q*

R106 Celestine Betony Q*1

R122 Cloverleaf Harriet Q*10

RM183 Norbury Candy Q*1

RM 199 Poplartime Kassandra Q*4

R127 Tyegronon Indigo Q*

† Lawnswood Logan

Breed Champions 1987

RM 140 Haedilia Rani Q*

Hispania Catkin Q*

RM 191 Norbury Amber Q*1

R139 Sadiesue Q*

Stopford Fay Q*

Tipi Abra Q*

Tipi Kiowa Q*

Wyedale Dawn Q*1

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Breed Champions 1986

RM150 Dukeland Bubbles Q*1

R149 Drungewick Camilla Q*1

R136 Poplartime Godiva Q*1

RM134 Poplartime Ishtar Q*2

Whitehorns Boobook Q*

$124/134 † Berkham Butterguru

Breed Champions 1985

C107 Elliotts Copperpot Q*

R122 Margery Perilla Q*

R154 Moenchia Anjelene Q*2

R192 Salvington Rio *1

R120 Tyrrell Larkspur Q*2 BrCh

Wayward Leilani *1

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Breed Champions 1984

R105 Abbotswell Jasmin Q*6 BrCh

R134 Drungewick Emma Q*1

Kilvington Heather Q*1

R154 Montlehoy Clara Q*

Pavlova Karly Q*

Wurain Ester Q*

Wurain Fifi *1

Ythan Cordyine Q*8

Breed Champions 1983

R110 Berkham Buttergal Q*8

Beckham Butterkiss Q*

C141 Flaxley Jocasta Q*1

Whitecross Kherrythree Q*

$106/134 † Brambling Idi

† Newville Cristopher

Breed Champions 1982

C106 Flaxley Haidee Q*

Thackeray Hyacinth Q*8

Whitecross Kherrytwo *

$137/123 † Berkham Galahad

Martinax Mustang

Breed Champions 1981

R118 Berkham Gingerdjaz Q*1

R109 Heathlands Aniseed Q*2

Vardre Taran Q*

† Abbotswell Ilex

$164/122 † Bramblings Wizard

Wynmar Xando

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Breed Champions 1980

Hispania Kritia Q*1

† Guilden Coll

Whitecross Khaled

Breed Champions 1979

Balaams Kaffeecrem Q*

R124 Berkham Butterlady Q*7

Guilden Bluebell Q*3

Beabe Yamanty

Legro Othello

† Newby Atlas

Wayward Flandres

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Breed Champions 1978

Abbotswell Figi Q*1

R121 Berkham Easteropal Q*1

R121 Salvington Hecuba Q*1

Spean Strawberry Q*2

† Spean Truffle

Breed Champions 1977

Abbotswell Elsa *2

Berkham Gabriela Q*1

RM155 Berkham Genista Q*2

† Berkahm Gallant 

Cheswadine Phoenix

Breed Champions 1976

Alanshaw Pandora Q*

R30 Berkham Butterlop Q*6

Cheswadine Mowgli

Breed Champions 1975

R20 Berkham Estelle *6

R25 Hillstoway Halcyion Q*

Spean Aniseed Q*1

Breed Champions 1974

RM133 Berkham Butterklim Q*2

R34 Redgill Hebe Q*

† Cheswadine Kambell

Breed Champions 1973

R30 Parlea Cintra Q*

Wayward Veleta Q*1

Comberbach Cactus 

Wayward Xakkusi

Breed Champions 1972

Spwan Allsorts Q*

R22 Theljon Teresa *1

R35 Wayward Xara Q*1

$20/33 Glenside Chequers

Breed Champions 1971

Alanshaw Imogene Q*

R34 Berkham Empress Q*5

R33 Kimme Q*

Spean Lickrish Q*

$23/32 † Berkham Eboneezer

Breed Champions 1970

R23 Berkham Buttertops Q*4

Berkham Eulalia Q*5

RM37 Berkham Gala Q*1

Breed Champions 1969

R27 Berkham Eve Q*6

† Theljon Toreador

Breed Champions 1967

Berkham Eglantine Q*5

R26 Berkham Eureka Q*5

R23 Cheswadine Elobeid Q*1

R24 Cheswadine Foebe Q*

Breed Champions 1966

Wyrebank Faranina Q*

Breed Champions 1965

Berkham Venus *4

R21 Gremlin Judy *

Breed Champions 1963

R23 Berkham Electra Q*4

Berkham Vanessa Q*2

Wayward Naivasha Q*

Breed Champions 1962

Alanshaw Delilah *1

RM31 Berkham Butterpoly Q*3

Wayward Lisadive Q*

Breed Champions 1961

1961 R24 Berkham Ermyntrude Q*4

$32/27 † Berkham Butterpete

Breed Champions 1960

R25 Berkham Valkyrie Q*4

R28 Harlings Hackney *3

Breed Champions 1959

Alanshaw Delight Q*1

R22 Berkham Victoria *3

R25 Playford Petula Q*1

Breed Champions 1958

R21 Playford Fenella Q*2

Cheney Clarence

Breed Champions 1957

Alanshaw Daisy Q*

RM32 Berkham Butterbell Q*2

Wayward Frivolity

Breed Champions 1956

R21 Berkham Hannah *

R25 Playford Pennycress Q*1

Breed Champions 1954

R2 Harlings Harmless Q*

Pixies Saome Q*

RM31 Berkham Butterbaby Q*1

R30 Berkham Leonora Q*2

Breed Champions 1953

R27 Playford Prunella Q*

Breed Champions 1952

Hemingford Angeline Q*

Breed Champions 1951

Harlings Hebe Q*

Breed Champions 1949

R2 Berkham Evelina Q*

Breed Champions 1939

RM2 Theydon Bellaritz Q*5

Breed Champions 1937

R2 Malpas Merry Q*3

Breed Champions 1936

R3 Butterbur of Coltishall Q*2

Breed Champions 1934

Hoveton Foxbane Q*2

Breed Champions 1933

Marchurst Knight

Breed Champions 1931

R2 Theydon Barbarette Q*

Breed Champions 1929

Theydon Almelda Q*3

Breed Champions 1928

Theydon Apricot Q*3

Breed Champions 1926

Hernebay Dejahthoris Q*

Breed Champions 1925

Theydon Annette Q*2

Breed Champions 1924

Nash Bellona Q*2

Breed Champions 1922

Theydon Tilda Q*

Sadberge Mavis Q*

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