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Founded 1972. Affiliated to the British Goat Society.
International Photographic Competion
1st Kidders
1st - Caprabelle ElevenBella Webb | 2nd - Kaverquil EstherDr. Katy Whitby Last | 3rd - Awekoola CoralKaty Smith |
2nd Kidder & Subsequent Milkers
1st - Kaverquil EstellaDr. Katy Whitby Last |
Veteran Milker
1st - Klimova TeardropBella Webb |
1st - Hurstpier CainealBella Webb | 2nd - Caprabella PhatBella Webb | 3rd - Kaverquil EmilyDr. Katy Whitby Last |
4th - Greenman AoifeYvonne Hempsall |
Female Kid
1st - Kaverquil LouisaDr. Katy Whitby Last |
Male Kids
1st - Rands BenedictMarcia Oakley |
Adult Male
1st - Kaverquil HawdonDr. Katy Whitby Last |
1st - Hurstpier OraganBella Webb | 2nd - Caprabella OomphBella Webb |
1st - Kaverquil JemimaDr. Katy Whitby Last |
1st - Tyegronon TthunderEugen Nagy | 2nd - Noes JoyEugen Nagy |
Group Photo
1st - Dr. Katy Whitby Last | 2nd - Vicki Hardy | 3rd - Katy Smith |
4th - Vicki Hardy |
Best Caption
1st - Kiss Please!Sue Smith | 2nd - Yo ladies! There's lots of flowers in this field!Dr. Katy Whitby Last | 3rd - Helping mummy bag some hay!Vicki Hardy |
4th - Who are you pushing!Yvonne Hempsall |
Head Shot
1st - Awekoola FlorenceKaty Smith | Poplartime KasabianSue Smith | Faithmead HeatherMarcia Oakley |
1st - Nitram KellyMartin Cox | 2nd - Kaverquil EstellaDr. Katy Whitby Last |
1st - Kaverquil HawdonDr. Katy Whitby Last |
Female Kid
1st - Caprabella PalaceBella Webb |
1st - Caprabella AmphetamineBella Webb |
Best Caption
Awekoola PapaverKaty Smith |
1st - SmileKaty Smith | 2nd - Watch out! Here I comeIan & Erica Churchill |
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