Founded 1972. Affiliated to the British Goat Society.
These magnificent animals has all gained their full championship at BGS recognised shows, competing against other recognised breeds.
In order for an animal to gain full championship they have to have been awarded the following,
Female Goats
3 Challenge Certificates under 3 different judges and gained a minimum of 18 points in the milking competition.
3 Inspection Production Challenge Certificates and gained a minimum of 18 points in the milking competition.
Must qualify for a Q star.
Males Goats
3 Challenge Certificates under 3 different judges.
Must have sired 3 daughters who have qualified for one of the following awards - Star(*), Q Star(Q*), R, RM, AR.
Champions 2019
CH §140/120 † Mineshop Chabela BrCh

Champions 2018
R166 Ashdene Almond Q*1
Imported Almas
Champions 2017
Klimova Khadija Q*2
$102/201 Brooks Tydirium

Champions 2015
R124 Imported Chaviva Q*
Champions 2012
Nitram Carmel Q*1
Kilbarchan Moonstrike
Champions 2011
RM154 Kilbarchan Moonmagic Q*1
RM143 Stefash Ellie Q*5
$$168/133 Spellborn Knightbird
Champions 2010
R135 Nitram Ayliesha Q*1
$$130/163 †Tyegronon Bbedouin
Champions 2009
SM CH Kilbarchan Moonraker BrCh

Champions 2008
R188 Braynusen Bollinger Q*

Champions 2008
$$163/201 †Holdrook Fungus
Champions 2006
Newcairn Aramis
Champions 2001
$173/140 †Ourway Niamjaz

Champions 2000
$112/138 †Jenton Jim

Champions 1999
RM132 Tyegronon Umiak Q*2
Champions 1996
R128 Tipi Joplin Q*9

Champions 1994
R145 Jenton Simone Q*
Champions 1992
R253 Tyegronon Nova Q*1

Champions 1991
AR234 Poplartime Natasia Q*2
Champions 1987
† Kilvington Silverbirch
CR107/103 Anson Zulu

Champions 1986
R149 Drungewick Camilla Q*1
Champions 1982
R118 Berham Gingerdjaz Q*1
† Abbotswell Ilex

Champions 1980
R124 Berham Butterlady Q*7
Champions 1977
Spean Aniseed Q*1
Champions 1974
R34 Redgill Hebe Q*
Comberbach Cactus
Champions 1972
R22 Beckham Empress Q*5
Spean Allsorts Q*
Champions 1965
R23 Beckham Electra Q*4
Champions 1974
Hernebay Premier
Champions 1911